WEEMA works to address barriers to education.
Primary school consists of grades 1-8. Access to secondary school (high school) is challenging for many students as there are fewer schools and the closest schools may be located at very far distances. These factors often force kids to drop out after 8th grade. WEEMA partners with local schools to support the addition of 9th and 10th grades to their program.
Lack of adequate, gender-appropriate toilets significantly impacts a girl's education- especially when she has her period.
Schools desperately need books, art supplies, sport equipment and other learning resources.
Bachira Secondary School Upgrade
WEEMA constructed an additional classroom block and provided books and furniture to Bachira Primary School. This school now teaches 9th and 10th grade.
Sport Equipment
WEEMA delivered soccer balls, cleats and uniforms to the local sport office.
Sanitation Facilities
WEEMA constructed toilet facilities at Degale Public Library, Ferzano Kindergarten and Bachira School.
Art Initiatives
WEEMA provided paper, crayons, glue, scissors, other supplies, and organized art projects at 5 different schools.