Tadelech Bekele after successful cataract surgery.
We wanted to take a small break from COVID related news to wish all mothers out there a wonderful upcoming Mother’s Day!
Here’s a sweet little story to conclude our cataract series and uplift your spirits as we celebrate our mothers this weekend.
Tadelech Bekele is a 50-year-old woman who traveled close to 60 kms from Aduna Wereda with her son to get the cataract surgery at our annual campaign. She said her quality of life was severely affected as she couldn’t help her family and tend to her house properly after she lost sight of one of her eyes due to cataract. She attempted to get treatment in the past many times but was told her case wasn’t ready for surgery so she had given up hope. But, when her son heard about WEEMA’s cataract campaign, he insisted on taking her. Even as she waited for her surgery, we found her beaming with a smile and not an ounce of fear. When asked what she’s most happy about she said: “I’m just so happy my son brought me here so I can finally get cured.” Indeed she was cured the next day! A well deserved gift from a son to his mother!
Photo credit: Martha Tadesse (@Marthinolly)
Tadelech preparing for cataract surgery.