
WEEMA team continues the fight against COVID-19 in Southwestern Ethiopia

The WEEMA Team making another delivery of COVID-19 supplies

The WEEMA Team making another delivery of COVID-19 supplies

As WEEMA continues its efforts to support the fight against COVID, the first two positive cases of the virus have been confirmed, one in Kembata Tembaro Zone and the other in the Hadiya Zone. Thankfully, both patients are under close watch and in good health so far. 

As the number of cases in Ethiopia continues to rise steadily, we know it’s important to keep up our work and ensure the spread remains at a lower rate. So far, our delivery of medical supplies have focused on the Kembata Tembaro zone based on the request from their regional government. 

Last week, WEEMA expanded its efforts to get much needed sanitary items and PPE delivered to Hadiya Zone. The Hadiya Health Department has also implemented more cautionary measures including crowd prevention and monitoring efforts as you can see in the picture below. WEEMA is happy to contribute to these efforts through our delivery of items such as masks, sanitizers, infrared thermometers, etc. 

Many thanks  to our staff members on the ground doing this essential work at this critical time.

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