
Heartwarming Video: Final Sneak Peek!

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We find ourselves in a time when sanitation and hygiene are more important than ever before. WEEMA is proud to have been an advocate of community-based hygiene and sanitation solutions dating back to our first Mudula water project to ensure much-needed water access for both drinking and sanitation. Today, as we get ready to launch our new website, we wanted to share this heartwarming video highlighting our work in sanitation and hygiene. 

Enjoy and stay tuned for our website launch this coming week!

WEEMA Expands Public Restroom Access

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Over 2 billion people throughout the world live without access to sanitation infrastructure and services, causing environmental pollution and creating a public health issue. While numerous efforts have been centered around building bathrooms in homes, many public spaces are still without latrines.

WEEMA's Latrine Project aims to increase health and safety by installing restrooms in public spaces around Ethiopia.

In Tembaro, thousands of women walk many miles each week to the central market. During their day spent in the market, they do not have access to safe and sanitary bathrooms. Acting on this need, WEEMA collaborated with the local urban development department to construct three public latrines in this market space.  

WEEMA is committed to pursuing community-centered projects that promote the health, wellbeing and dignity of the residents with whom we work. With the completion of this project, we celebrate the opportunity to expand the sanitation infrastructure of the area.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@weemintl) to hear more about this project and its impact.