Blog post written by Kate Murphy, WEEMA's Social Media Guru, as she shares from her recent trip.
WEEMA Standing in the playground of Mudula Kindergarten, the last thing I am expecting to hear is "Hey! What's your name?" in giggling English. I spin around and glance at the fence surrounding the KG to discover the source of the voice. A playful smile peaks through the wooden slats.
After sharing my name, I am asked a slew of follow up questions:
Where am I from?
How old am I?
Is this my first time in Ethiopia?
After each answer, I fire back questions in English. I learn that I am fortunate enough to meet Bebeta, a fifth grader whose English rivals any I have heard spoken in the small town of Mudula. It only makes sense that English is her favorite subject, a language that she is already mastering at the age of eleven. She has just come from filling up a jerrycan at a water point nearby.
After I snap Bebeta's photo with her friends, I share the photo with them. The group erupts in laughter.
Girls like Bebeta are the reason that WEEMA continues to focus on development from many angles; so that eleven year olds can spend their time working towards their educational goals instead of walking hours to collect water!