Elizabeth McGovern January 28, 2015 MEDICAL OB/GYN at Durame Hospital Elizabeth McGovern January 28, 2015 MEDICAL Durame Primary Hospital, located in Durame Town, serves as the referral hospital for all seven woredas of KembataTembaro (KT) Zone.
Elizabeth McGovern January 1, 2015 MEDICAL Makeda and the Solar Suitcase Elizabeth McGovern January 1, 2015 MEDICAL Makeda* is a Midwife in a rural Health Center much like those we are trying to light up in Hadiya.
Elizabeth McGovern December 28, 2014 MEDICAL Solar Suitcases Elizabeth McGovern December 28, 2014 MEDICAL Maternal mortality in Ethiopia is one of the highest in the world- and 90% of these deaths are preventable.
Elizabeth McGovern September 28, 2014 MEDICAL Malaria Campaign Elizabeth McGovern September 28, 2014 MEDICAL The goal of “Malaria Free Society Campaign” is to empower families through grassroots malaria education.
Elizabeth McGovern July 28, 2014 MEDICAL Hamlin Midwife Scholarship Program Elizabeth McGovern July 28, 2014 MEDICAL Worldwide, a woman dies every 90 seconds from complications of childbirth—90 percent of those deaths are preventable.