Bachira Water Project

Name of Project: Bachira Water Project

Time: 2014-2015

Background: Ten years prior to this project, a gravity water system was constructed tapping Buho Spring in Bachira kebele. During implementation, it was decided to target Bachira’s downstream neighbors because these areas were suffering from a severe water shortage at the time. Only one water point was built in Bachira and that frustrated those living around the spring source. The Buho Spring pipeline extended a total distance of 6km but traversed the first 2 km without any water stations.

Community involvement: The Bachira community expressed their disappointment to government officials and requested to have more water points added to the existing line. After several assessments with the WEEMA team, it was determined that additional water points could be constructed without affecting the downstream communities. Members of the Bachira community were very happy and helped with transport of materials for construction.


  • To construct 4 additional water points on the Bohe Spring pipeline to serve the people living in Bachira.
  • To construct three wash basins and one cattle trough
  • To repair the leaking water reservoir


  • In early 2015, four water points, three wash basins and a cattle trough were constructed in Bachira along the Buho Spring pipeline. In addition, the existing reservoir was repaired.
  • A celebration marking the completion of the water project was held at Bachira School in March 2015.


  • 5,000 people served (including Bachira School)
  • The community expressed their sincere joy and appreciation. One man explained that their cattle were also no longer getting ill since they too had access to clean water in the cattle trough.