Beekeeping with Honey Production

Name of Project: Improving household livelihoods with modern beekeeping and honey production

2014 to present


Ethiopia has a long tradition of beekeeping and ideally suited for apiculture due to its ecology.  It is estimated that one million rural households participate in beekeeping activities.  Many Ethiopian beekeepers rely on indigenous knowledge passed from one generation to the nesxt, and modernizing the technology and marketing used in the apiculture sector has enormous potential to benefit farmers, traders, processors and exporters.

An extensive needs assessment was done Spring 2013 with significant interest in further education on modern beekeeping techniques.

Community Involvement: Beekeeping and honey production is a traditional activity in Tembaro Woreda. Individuals selected for this project have been a combination of traditional beekeepers and women seeking vocational training to improve their household incomes. Many of the women were identified in partnership with the community. Additionally, the community has been active in identifying local materials for the construction of the transitional, more modern beehives as part of this project.


  • Enhance community beekeeping sector by providing education and assistance in beehive modernization.
  • Incorporate more women into the sector.
  • Provide new income opportunities to participants by increasing market access and improving honey quality and yields and by developing other bee products suitable for market, such as wax, pollen, and propolis.


  • Trained and supplied 70 beekeepers (53 female and 17 male) in Tembaro Woreda to construct and transition to more modern style beehives.
  • Purchased and distributed protective gear to 70 beekeepers.
  • Provision of honey extraction machine, storage containers and continuous coaching support to the beekeepers.


  • Greater quantity and quality of honey production, enabling better sales, among beekeepers in Tembaro Woreda.
  • Happy beekeepers and happy bees: “My bees are happy and dancing!”