Name of Project: Koshinda Spring
Dates: 2012-2015
Background: Koshinda Spring project was the original water project, previously called “Mudula Water.” The government was aware of Koshinda mountain spring for years prior and hoped to have a water system built tapping this spring source. The spring was known to be located at an altitude of 9,000 feet above sea level and to have a high flow rate at 4/liters per second. Construction of this water project was a priority for the government at both the local and zonal levels.
Community Involvement: The local community members were extremely supportive of this water system since the lack of access to clean water was their biggest burden. Community members helped to dig and lay the pipeline. Ownership of the water system was turned over to the community at the end of construction, meaning its use and maintenance is locally managed..
- To construct a gravity flow water system to serve people in 4 communities (Bada, Mudula, Bohe and Durgi) with a total distance of over 10 miles.
- Construction began in 2012 by partner Kale Hiwot Church and finished in 2014.
- WEEMA’s construction team extended a pipeline and added more water points in 2015.
- Total number of water points constructed= 10
- Completion of water project celebrated in grand meeting on April 1, 2015, complete with a ribbon cutting, speeches, music and traditional dance.
- 10,000 people benefit from clean water access enabled by this project
- Community members express what a huge impact this water system has on their daily lives.