A beekeeper from WEEMA's newly formed Gaecha beekeeping cooperative
I just returned a few days ago from my second trip to Ethiopia to visit WEEMA's projects. Even though the days were long, the trip left me inspired, energized, and filled with gratitude for WEEMA's work.
Below are just a few examples of the powerful changes I saw taking place in our community—changes that you made possible with your support.
Over the next few weeks we’ll be sharing additional stories of inclusion, empowerment, and dignity, and how WEEMA is serving as a catalyst for igniting our community's highest potential.
Thank you for being an important part of our mission to create a more just and equitable world for all.
What I’m grateful for…
Hearing how empowering the Tunto women’s Self-Help Group has been for its members. Participation in the group has enabled the women to “feel like investors,” “enjoy more freedom of speech in the community,” and (my favorite) “be financially independent from their husbands, which increases the bonds of love.”
Knowing that WEEMA’s Menstrual Health Management program has helped thirteen-year-old Gedonet think of her menstrual cycle as a “beautiful and natural thing,” and how the pads WEEMA provided have allowed her to "stop worrying... and enjoy school more."
The passion that WEEMA's Education Program Manager, Assefa Tadese, brings to his work, particularly when he talks about the importance of “inclusive education for an inclusive life...it makes me happy to see kids with disabilities have the chance to lift themselves out of poverty and become independent through education”
Happy Thanksgiving,
Amber Oberc
US Managing Director