WEEMA's 3-Year Integrated Education Program- Updates!

Two Keleta Kindergarten students with their parents and younger sibling

Two Keleta Kindergarten students with their parents and younger sibling

In 2016, WEEMA began a three year implementation of an Integrated Education Program (IEP) to increase quality and access to education in Tembaro.  This program consists of 3 main components: 

        1.  Equipping three high schools with books, science supplies and furniture
        2.  Establishing three new kindergartens for 4-6 year olds
        3.  Providing high quality teacher training to teachers throughout Tembaro
Our program has been very successful, and we are extremely proud of the work of the community and WEEMA team!

Some more details:

High schools
WEEMA renovated one class room in Hodo High School for use as a lab, provided furniture, teaching materials and books, teaching aids, lab supplies and technology. Ambukuna and Hodo High Schools have also received similar supplies, including library books and furniture.  Science teachers from all three schools received additional training on the use and management of the lab equipment.  These interventions have made an impact on the quality of education at these local schools.

WEEMA established the first three public kindergartens in Tembaro woreda.  These kindergartens are located in the Mudula, Ferzano and Keleta communities and serve over 800 students.  Each school is equipped with playground equipment and provides food through a feeding program.  It is fun to listen to the squeals of delight from kids as they play, learn and explore!

Teacher Training
WEEMA’a education program facilitated a two-day capacity building training for zero class facilitators, adult literacy facilitators, kindergarten teachers, supervisors, and Woreda education officers. Both sessions were hosted by the WEEMA International Education Program Manager and Tembaro Woreda education office and covered the following areas:

  • Pre-primary school standard

  • Pre-primary school curriculum and syllabus

  • Teaching and Learning styles

  • Teaching Method

  • Evaluation

  • Quality Education

  • Annual and daily lesson plan preparation

These trainings reached more than 200 teachers, a quarter of whom are female.  The trainings were much appreciated by all!

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