Young people from Mudula quickly answered the call to donate blood amid a national shortage.
During challenges that seem insurmountable, we often find inspiration in the younger generation mobilizing to take action. WEEMA is happy to find such inspiration in the youth of Kembata-Tembaro Zone as they organize to reign in the spread of COVID-19 in their communities. Here are some of the major activities the youth are spearheading:
Voluntary blood donation campaign: Despite an increasing need for blood donors after the start of COVID, there has been a national decline in voluntary blood donation in Ethiopia. Prime Minister Abiy and first Lady Zinash have put out a national call urging for blood donations at this critical time. Following this call, the youth in Mudula Town gathered in Mudula primary hospital and donated 53 units of blood in one day and the donations are expected to continue for three successive months.
Promote Hand washing stations: The youth volunteers manage hand washing stations at places of public gatherings such as open markets and bus lines.
Manage Water Tankers: The water tankers set up by the Health department and WEEMA are handled by these amazing youth volunteers who set up the tankers each day, re-fill them throughout the day and return them back to the storage location at night.
Home to Home and public awareness creation: The youth have been leading public educational sessions, through home-to-home awareness creation, flyer distribution to service providers like restaurants and hotels or public area campaigns using microphones to spread critical messages to the community.
Resource Mobilization: The youth volunteers have been helping in gathering resources like sanitary supplies, food items for the quarantine center, cash, and other materials for the prevention of COVID-19 in the Tembaro community.
What an inspiration indeed! WEEMA is encouraged to continue its fight and do our part against COVID and we hope you are too.
Have a productive rest of the week!
Mudula youths donating blood after Prime Minister Abiy’s call to action.