Community coming together to march, holding signs that say Black Lives Matter.
WEEMA Wednesday is generally a platform to share the work that our team is doing in Ethiopia, thanks to your support. However, we cannot ignore the current events and the incredible pain caused by the tremendous injustices in today’s America. WEEMA as an organization stands in complete solidarity with our Black brothers and sisters. We are heartbroken, devastated and angry to see the continuing unjust treatment of Black people in this country.
The United States is in crisis. Black people have been fighting for justice and equality for generations and they are so, so tired. The violence, the trauma, the pain is more than our black brothers and sisters can bear alone. It is long overdue, but if we want real change, we must demand it. It is time for white people to take meaningful action.
This is the way forward. The more we all stand together, the more quickly we can make a “new normal” that is not just about dealing with a viral pandemic, but also deals with the pandemic of racial injustice.
Today, once again, we are asking for your support - your support against this crisis of racial injustice.
Listen. Learn. Research. Vote. Act.