
What's all the buzz about?

Our WEEMA beekeeping cooperatives continue to grow and thrive! 

Did you know that Ethiopia is the largest producer of honey in Africa? Beekeeping is a local and centuries-old industry in Ethiopia with large potential for growth. As a part of our work to promote economic empowerment in Ethiopian communities, WEEMA began our beekeeping cooperative program in 2014 by training 70 beekeepers in modern beekeeping methods.

Today, WEEMA beekeeping cooperatives continue to provide a sustainable source of income to families in Ethiopia. One co-op received over six acres of land and is in the process of building new infrastructure to expand their honey production. We celebrate the success of our program and our recent land grant from the local government!

WEEMA Expands Public Restroom Access

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Over 2 billion people throughout the world live without access to sanitation infrastructure and services, causing environmental pollution and creating a public health issue. While numerous efforts have been centered around building bathrooms in homes, many public spaces are still without latrines.

WEEMA's Latrine Project aims to increase health and safety by installing restrooms in public spaces around Ethiopia.

In Tembaro, thousands of women walk many miles each week to the central market. During their day spent in the market, they do not have access to safe and sanitary bathrooms. Acting on this need, WEEMA collaborated with the local urban development department to construct three public latrines in this market space.  

WEEMA is committed to pursuing community-centered projects that promote the health, wellbeing and dignity of the residents with whom we work. With the completion of this project, we celebrate the opportunity to expand the sanitation infrastructure of the area.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@weemintl) to hear more about this project and its impact.

Books in the hands of moms, babies and toddlers!

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Research has shown that early exposure to books shared with a loving caregiver creates the foundation for successful reading!

WEEMA International, in partnership with Reach Out and Read, is piloting an innovative program with our women's groups.  Four Self Help Groups (SHGs) each received a box of 20 different colorful board books selected with care for the local context. Each member takes home a book every week and engages with her children at home by reading together- pointing, interacting over the photos and drawings, etc. She then swaps for a new book the following week. After 20 weeks, the groups will exchange boxes with another SHG group.

The women are thrilled about this program. WEEMA will continuing working to get books in the hands of moms, babies and toddlers.

Enjoy the video below to see these books in action!

WEEMA's 2018 Staff Retreat

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WEEMA’s Annual Staff Retreat took place in April and brought together the entire WEEMA team from the U.S. and both Ethiopian offices.

This meeting was a terrific opportunity for staff to hear from all the different program areas and to present a holistic view of WEEMA’s work. There was also plenty of time for team bonding, including a competitive soccer match. We can’t wait until next year’s Retreat!

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