
Library Transformation at Boarding School for High Achieving Students

Students at Higa School smiling in the boys' dormitory 

Students at Higa School smiling in the boys' dormitory 

In the fall of 2017, Higa Model Boarding High School opened its doors to the highest achieving students from across the Kembata-Tembaro Zone. Higa Model was constructed to provide a rigorous 4 year academic experience for the best performing students to excel and pursue their dream of attending university.

WEEMA is honored to participate in this community effort by constructing the school's new library. Over the coming months, WEEMA will transform the room in the photo below into a top-notch facility for students, complete with computers, books and furniture. The school was founded and supported by "Gogotacare",  a local Kembata-Tembaro organization, and the campus was donated by the Zonal (State) government. This school and its students are the pride of the community and WEEMA is thrilled to be a part of its success. 


Books in the hands of moms, babies and toddlers!

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Research has shown that early exposure to books shared with a loving caregiver creates the foundation for successful reading!

WEEMA International, in partnership with Reach Out and Read, is piloting an innovative program with our women's groups.  Four Self Help Groups (SHGs) each received a box of 20 different colorful board books selected with care for the local context. Each member takes home a book every week and engages with her children at home by reading together- pointing, interacting over the photos and drawings, etc. She then swaps for a new book the following week. After 20 weeks, the groups will exchange boxes with another SHG group.

The women are thrilled about this program. WEEMA will continuing working to get books in the hands of moms, babies and toddlers.

Enjoy the video below to see these books in action!

Building a library for Keleta High School

Construction has begun on Keleta High School's first library!


The library provides a quiet study space to serve over 1,200 students.

Students can browse shelves filled with textbooks and supplemental materials to complete their lessons. An internet-equipped computer lab equipped will open doors to global educational resources for the community of Keleta. Preparatory students will have the resources they need to study for the mandatory national exam to attend university.

WEEMA is building Keleta High School Library following community efforts to expand the school to serve 11th and 12th grade.